Saturday, July 7, 2012

My aunts are the best

Auntie Beth Ann came to visit, so Mr. C decided he ought to wear his "My Aunt is the Best" shirt she sent. It fit great! He loved it so much he cried. And cried. And cried during the photo shoot. Despite the painful look, he really loves his aunts and his shirt should read "My Aunts are the Best!"
Look how happy everyone is.

The scene just "after" the photo shoot.
Consolation prize = aunt attention.

See how happy everyone is?!

1 comment:

  1. Dan could speak to this, as I am sure that Liz never quarreled with with her sibling. Isn't it magical to see your sibs in a different light, not the annoying sisters (brother), but the loving and caring aunts (uncle) that they have become! I know as a parent there were times when I thought that not everyone was going to make it to 'adulthood', but here we all are. Everyone - enjoy these times, they are fleeting and precious.
