Friday, July 20, 2012


Family outing: Katie's Butterhead Birthday Bash.
First of all, what you should know is that our friends Katie and Tim (you met them in an earlier post) are in love with all things kitschy (kind of reminds me of my cousin Lori Keeling Campbell who is an artist in Montana). Katie and Tim go on vacation and see roadside attractions--think Paul Bunyan, World's Largest Ball of Twine, etc. There are soooo many wacky things to see in MN that they haven't even had to venture to our neighboring states. (Hello, New Salem cow in ND or House on the Rock in WI!) 
Anyway, Katie's husband commissioned her likeness to be carved out of butter--just like they do here in MN at the State Fair for the Dairy Princesses. He also rented a corn roaster from a local farmer to roast corn on the cob for the shindig. The contraption reminded me of the conveyor belt that toasted bread at the cafeteria in college--you put corn in and by the time the corn escalator made its way back, the corn was roasted. Awesome.
This party was all kinds of awesome.
And, Wee Calvin was a Giant Hit.

Tracy meets Calvin. Calvin meets Tracy.
He coerces her to stay at the party a little bit longer.

Yay! New friends!

Meanwhile, Dan enjoys his roasted corn--with butter, of course!
You can see we are not the first people at this event.
Katie's bust is already missing its mouth and nose.

Her buttery hair will be fine.
(In case you were wondering: that's  a 55 pound block of carved butter, folks.
The heads at the Fair are made from 90 pound bricks. Yikes.)

We meet more new friends. It's Baby Leo and his parents.
Calvin does the Thriller dance. First impressions are important, you know.
 Lady Gaga would be proud. 

C: "Don't worry, Leo. Buddy, I'll teach you my dance moves another time.
Like, maybe after I discover I have legs. For now, I like you. Let's be friends. K?"

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