Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Attachment Parenting

Dr. Sears would be proud of Dan's baby wearing here. After we got a Baby Bjorn, we had to try it out! Frankly, this is just about the cutest thing ever!! And, Dan can keep fiddling on his computer while Calvin is contained and content. He doesn't even pull out his well-practiced Houdini moves when he's being carried around in the Bjorn. It's pure surrender.

Ahh..Baby Bjorn.

Look, Mom! No hands!
(I probably wouldn't get much work done anyway...
look how cute that little face is!!)

Look how cute both of those little faces are!
Makes it even easier to steal kisses when C is contained.
Not that it's too tough otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I should warn you now: in a couple of months, that Bjorn might give you a major back ache. Either work your way into the weight of a "heavy" baby by wearing it often, or limit yourself to 15 minute stretches.
    I really screwed up my back on Halloween '10 when I dressed as "Alan" and Aila was dressed as "Baby Carlos."
