Tuesday, July 17, 2012

More Practice Visits

I waited to post this because the news had not broken yet. Our friends Katie and Tim came over to meet our little guy; they brought pizza and we ate way too much key lime pie than is healthy for anyone. (Damn you, Costco!) They also brought particularly sporty onesies for Mr. Calvin; I think Tim's insistence on having the hottest colors will have Calvin be the coolest kid at daycare. 
While they were visiting, they fell in love with our little dude. And...told us they were expecting! We are sooOOOOOoooo excited for them!! I just know our little babies are going to be great friends. If not, we'll force them to be. (It's called parenting, people.) Yay for babies!!

Here's Tim getting some practice holds in.
He looks pretty good holding a baby, huh?

And, here's Katie looking like a pro.
Calvin looks like he's giving her tons of advice.
He's a pro now, you know.

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