Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Daycare Situation

Apparently, the Star Tribune did some sort of expose on home daycares which inspired the state to put its foot down on every rule in the book. No variances were to be issues. No extensions. No exceptions. Nothing.

We decided who would care for Calvin the week after we were home from the hospital. He was 12 days old when he met her and thought that we'd see her in the fall. Then, she called to say that because of the ages of the other kids, the state wasn't allowing Calvin to come to daycare on the first day of the school year. He wouldn't be able to go to daycare for three weeks. She said she'd understand if we wanted to find someone else for Calvin. We didn't. We just figured out a way to make it work.

My mom came and hung out with Calvin during teacher workshop week. They went on lots of walks, played with all the toys and read lots of books.
Here are a few pics from then:

Calvin was ready to play right away!

Walks were tiring.

All that playing was tiring, too.
Photo: This last week I got to finish out vacation with Mr C
Cute with and without the pacifier.

But C-Mo was more alert than the last time he saw Grandma Patty.

They even talked about football.
Calvin practiced his Heisman pose.
It was a full week of fun!

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