Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Animals in Duluth

This summer I was in charge of everything involving my body. Anything that happened outside of my living room, I didn't know about. Including the night Calvin was born.

Apparently there had been a flood in Duluth that caused a lot of damage and destruction.

When I sent Dan to the hospital to get syringes to try to feed Calvin more than he was getting, he heard the story on MPR. They had interviewed a zookeeper about the loss of the animals. (You see, they were being found all over town. Many had died.) Her voice quivered as she talked; you could tell that she loved those critters.

By the time Dan got to the hospital, he had tears streaming down his face (sleep deprivation + new baby + hormonal wife + vulnerable zoo animals = cry fest). He was sure the nurses thought something bad was happening at our house; they were really helpful to him as they got whatever he wanted and sent him on his way to care for his own little critter.

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