Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Drug Lord

My high-risk pregnancy offered many new experiences. One of those was being on Lovenox. Then Heparin. Then back to Lovenox. The bathroom looked like a pharmacy. SoooOOOOooo many needles.
And, something that I didn't know that would happen was that I would have a strong opinion about needles. Target changed distributors for Lovenox and I wanted to find out who would listen to my frustration and disappointment about the quality of product. When I had to start on Heparin, I was appalled by the level of wasted medical resources. (I actually had to throw away drugs after every injection--twice a day--because of how they were packaged.) and, I never did get the right gauge needle for the last month of my pregnancy. (The ones they gave me weren't great--hello cheap product--and I couldn't get a different brand without a prescription. Seriously?!)

Needless to say, I was happy to be temporarily dealing with this issue and have just a glimpse into what some people go through to get the medical supplies that they need and want. There were times when I felt powerless, frustrated and cynical. I can only imagine how it feels to deal with this long-term.

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