Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Day with Carol

During my first week back at work, Calvin went to daycare one day. (There was a kiddo that was gone, so he could go.) Carol sent us this photo of the motley crew:
 Look how scared little Calvie looks! When I went to pick him up from daycare that day he didn't even show any signs of recognition. He looked at me, like "who are you? where am I? what am I doing here? and, who are these people??" It broke my heart. (The next day at work I cried. Actually, I cried 60% of the days...and considered it a successful week!)
I was reminded by a couple of things: he won't remember this at all AND he hasn't established object permanence so he doesn't even know what is going on at the moment. I could wrap my head around that logically, now if only I could get my heartstrings to follow.

Three weeks later, Calvin went to daycare for the first time officially. Here's the entire gang:
The crew: Calvin, Eli, Kinley, Nolan.
Kinley's wearing a head-shaping helmet because she's got a soft/flat spot on the side of her head.
As you can see, they are still motley!

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