The progression of The Bump. (Now recorded for posterity.) :-) I had to track these photos down...that's why it took so long!
This one is from Feb . 13. I sent this photo to my Godmother. What I remember is that I felt fat and I didn't really want to take any belly bump pics. I really didn't want this recorded for any reason...not even posterity. This is the same day I announced my condition to the online world.
This is April 3. The baby belly definitely got bigger. At this point people were begging to see pics of my profile. I wasn't yet comfortable with it, but I was willing to take beheaded pics and post them. Facebook friends really liked this one. (Probably because I was obviously pregnant at this point!) No denial here...
Here's April 7. I guess I came to terms with it when I took this pic. The caption on facebook: "This is probably a sign." The personal watermelon weighed over seven pounds. Oy-vey, I thought. At this point in the pregnancy, I was beginning to come to terms with how humorous being pregnant was. Dan and I brainstormed all sorts of pregnant belly pics people might think were funny. However, this was the only funny one we really took.

June 8. Almost there. My belly was so big, and I was carrying so high that I really wasn't very comfortable--always a butt wedged against my ribs! There really wasn't space between my boobs and my belly the week this was taken. This is the day the baby began to drop. He dropped for three days straight. It was a glorious to breathe deeply again!

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