Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Settle Down

It's my fault. 
I posted this on facebook knowing quite well that it might cause a flurry of excitement:

Warning: TMI. Update: 3cm dilated, 70% effaced. If you don't want to know what that means, don't look it up. :-)

I had no idea. 

People, please know that I am fine. Baby is fine. All is fine. The universe is a wonderful, beautiful place to be right now. Peace be with all of you.

Here's how I know:
The doctor checked everything out this afternoon. 

Dan even came with me to my weekly appointment. He hadn't seen an ultrasound in quite a few weeks, and I am glad he came along. We got to see our beautiful baby's face--looking right at us. It could have passed for the Gerber Baby. Seriously. (Let's see what a trip through the birth canal does!) :-) Our little peanut (or Phenom as one fb friend said last week) kept moving its hand in and out of the picture and passed its biophysical profile test in under 10 minutes. All that movement will come in handy in labor, I hope.

Dan watched the stress test and heard the child's heartbeat for about a half an hour. He smiled when he heard it move and watched my belly bulge and twitch. No surprise on the movements from me. However, no indication of contractions, either.

And my husband decided to stay in the room for the pelvic exam. He's brave. The doctor and I talked about the loss of the mucus plug, the possibility of induction, and the merits of 27-30 gauge needles (yup, I now have an opinion about such things). (That's for a later post.) And, voila, there was a pelvic exam. Doc measured me and did a little swipe of my membranes to continue to encourage dilation and effacement. Though I haven't needed encouragement since my membranes are distressed already--due to extra water in the swimming pool. Doc said it would be a matter of time. She gave me the diagnoses: a couple more baby-free days.

That's that.
In the meantime, I have to finish posting my final grades. I need to clean my classroom. I have my first meeting with my new yearbook editors. I have a student with special circumstances (think: big wig parents) who has not yet turned in her final exam even after setting her deadline twice. I have a few final yearbook-y things to do. And, there are probably a zillion tiny to-dos. There's the story of my life.
And, all of that may or may not be interrupted within the next 24 hours.
Only time will tell if "open swim time" is closing and the whistles are blowing to signal that it's time to get out of the pool. We'll do whatever the lifeguards say.

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