Tuesday, June 12, 2012

School's out for Summer

After the day of I-swear-to-you-labor-has-started-whether-I-am-really-ready-or-not, things calmed down. Way down. The baby was quiet and resting, so we took advantage of the opportunity. When I checked out of the building for the summer, Dan and I went out for lunch, I walked around downtown Anoka while he finished his last duties, then we went to celebrate with fine folks.
Kelly and Josh threw one of the best backyard parties I have ever been to! EVER! They catered in the food, hired a live band, let a million kids run around, and spent time with all of their guests. 
I spent a great deal of the evening talking about research, the art of the dissertation, immigration/visas and raising kids with Harold. It reminded me of how much I love my cohort friends; these people really are amazing! And, Harold is doing some ground-breaking work in his research in business and development training. He'll finish his dissertation in a few weeks; I am sure of it!

Photo: 2012-06-08 19.51.08
This is Harold, one of the finest, funniest, talented people I know.

Javier and Doug scored the best seat in the house! (Aren't they adorable together?!) I got to meet Doug a few weeks ago when they joined us at the Chatterbox for graduation. He's patient, funny and lovable. Not surprising that he and Javier get along so well. Javier's moving through his proposal and his HSR; I see data gathering in his future! I hope to run into him a few more times this summer to keep abreast of his progress--and to see him relaxed and smiling!
Best seat in the house!

Here's Josh and Harold. Two wild and crazy guys.

Here's Kelly.
Josh and Kelly are the type of people that I hope everyone can know in their lifetimes. They are inspiring, generous, smart, fun-loving, open, and adventurous. They are the kind of people we hope to always have in our lives. (Actually, we hope to always have these exact people in our lives!) :-)
Kelly and Josh officially signed a contract to go teach in Brazil--Rio de Janeiro--for two years. And, they have jumped in with both feet! Their two boys are looking forward to learning how to surf and dance in the Carnival. We love them, will miss them dearly, and will be stalking their online presence in the years to come. (Next July seems like a great time to visit Brazil, huh?)
Kelly and Josh will be well protected in Brazil. ;-)

While we dreamed of future adventures, mingled with good friends, giggled about the past and future, the band played on into the evening. What a way to celebrate the beginning of summer!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the feature article, Liz and Dan! What an honor! We can't wait to continue to read on about Baby K!
