Friday, June 15, 2012

On Attend

As the French say, "On attend." One waits. For a baby, one waits--not expects. And so, we wait.
There are signs that things might be progressing, but no contractions to write home about and--obviously--no water break yet. Either of those two things are going to land us in the hospital.
Otherwise, I feel like the ballerina in Kurt Vonnegut's short story, "Harrison Bergeron" (pre-Diana Moon Glampers, of course). It takes me forever to gather up enough motivation to get something done. And, when I do, it's like dragging lead weights around with every step. Ugh. So, I try not to exert too much energy and have been taking naps to prepare for the ultimate use of energy...coming soon. 
An evening walk might just do the trick. If only I could get off the couch to do it. ;-)

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