Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Guest Blog: Motherhood Memories by Jean Ann

Here's the first (of many??) guest blog posts; this one is from my Great Aunt Jean Ann. She is really great and raised really, really great sons. Thanks for reading, responding and contributing to our blog!


I can't recall the "firsts" instead I recall the fondest, tenderest and most amusing moments that stand out above the rest, not necessarily the ones I valued at the moment but they have taught me the most about not taking things too seriously. I vividly remember their expressions, precious and uninhibited personalities. Life is a mirror to laugh at ourselves and value the laugh lines.
Kids cause gray hair :-( and laugh lines :-) Each are earned.
 Here goes: a potpourri of memories from my darling boys at different ages and times in their pre school and early elementary school years. Parenting is fun.

My 7 yr old son proudly presented me with his very carefully hand made Mother's Day card written in his best handwriting: the front cover presented a "Happy Mother's Day" with a hand illustrated happy : )) mother. Inside his very carefully thought and after-thought verse read, "To the best Mother I know, but you're the only mother I know." His intelligence had a way of debating his own thoughts!!! What a dear. I remember his precious honesty, wit and clever thoughtfulness. Not bad for a little 7 yr old.
"Mom, do you like crock pots?" from one of my little ones instantly upon returning from a top secret Mother's Day shopping mission. Kind of reminds me of this little girls' attempt to keep her Mother's Day gift a secret, too.

BEWARE of SHARE and TELL/Avoid it at any cost!!!

My very creative son, a little first grader had just received a red plastic tape recorder from Santa. Finding ways to use it was definitely a top priority!! The boys all had their bedrooms and bathroom upstairs. The NIGHTLY bedtime routine was predictable and so was I. They ran back and forth from their bedrooms and to the bathroom to play in the water. After my many commands to go to bed, I yelled upstairs to "GO To BED", which set this taping incident up perfectly! Imagine a young child calculating this entire incident!!! Clever, bright young child. He proudly took it to Share and Tell with a very Important recording. "This is how my mom sounds when she yells at us to GET TO SLEEP!!! He proceeded to play the tape!! Many of my friends had children in the same grade and were bursting with amusement as they retold the story to me at a later date. I guess at least it didn't end like this kid's show and tell experience.

Another son in nursery school was gathered with his class in a semi circle on the floor for their annual Christmas party. As the class sang the required songs he was oblivious to the program agenda and focused on clapping (rock style) to the beat of the music..Christmas carols, no less.

A classic hunting season trophy appeared once at show and tell. When it was my son's turn to share he eagerly went to the cloak room where his book bag which held any little boys dream.... A bloody deer head and antlers in tack that he retrieved from the alley garbage as they walked en route to school. He shared it in living color and that he was planning to take it after school to a merchant who paid for deer hides, etc. By the time school was out for the day, not only was the cloak room rank, so was our car upon delivering it to the merchant!!
Might have been just as messy.
I've discovered life doesn't turn out the way I plan, but the way it is suppose to turn out, even the sharpest and deepest pain of all. Motherhood is about imparting our best with love and acceptance and leaving the rest. Hang on and enjoy the ride!!!
Motherhood advice: enjoy the ride.
 With much love,
Auntie Jean Ann

1 comment:

  1. Well I don't know about how great of sons we are...but she is for sure the best mom in the world...and by now we know lots of moms! lol

    She had (and still has) to put up with a lot from us, raising four head-strong boys...and yet her unconditional love and acceptance has always been there for us...though good times and bad.

    Thanks to my (what? 3rd cousin) Dr. Liz for allowing my mom to jump into the Information Age with both feet!
