Monday, April 30, 2012

The Art of Being Busy

People have often told me that I am busy. 
In a phone conversation last week, a friend said that when he reads the blog he gets the sense that my life is busy. When I called to rearrange some prenatal classes, the receptionist looked through my account and said, "Man, you are one busy gal." And, my mother sometimes doesn't call because she says she knows I'm busy and she doesn't want to bother me. Obviously, it's a recurring conversation in my life.
My schedule has been busier. Really. I don't even consider this phase of my life to be actually very busy--at all. Which makes be believe that I must have, in a previous life (I refer to them as Liz 1.0, Liz 2.0, etc.), mastered the Art of Looking Busy and the Art of Acting Busy. Ever since the release date of Liz 3.0, I haven't been able to transform that conversation. I feel like I am stuck with it sometimes--like it's everyone's listening of me and I can't quite figure out how to get it to evolve. 

There is a distinct difference from the Art of Looking Busy or the Art of Acting Busy and the Art of Being Busy
Let me explain.
The Art of Looking Busy or the Art of Acting Busy is strategic and purposeful. It is used to ward off other things that one doesn't want to deal with--a phone call, a conversation, a job, a task, etc. An earlier version of me used to use this tactic ALL. THE. TIME. so that she didn't have to deal with anyone else's anything. She could live in her own world. She might have appeared something like this: 
The Art of Looking Busy
The Art of Being Busy is very different. The Art of Being Busy involves being busy about the best things in life. The things that light me up. The things that I am passionate about. The things that I care about. The things that I love. The things that I find interesting and enjoyable. AS. MANY. AS. POSSIBLE.
I mean, if I am only going to live on this planet for a handful of decades, then I would like to be up to something. I'd like to be learning, making a difference, laughing, meeting fabulous people, challenging myself, spending time with loved ones and enjoying ALL life offers. The Art of Being Busy is carefully selecting what I am to be busy about and making it all work. Like this: 
Art of Being Busy
The only thing that stands between me and perfecting  Art of Being Busy is circumstance. And what I know about circumstance is that--not matter what the circumstance is--it can be rearranged to make everything work out how I intend. I have the power to create my life so that it works for me and works with me; that's the life that has me stand in a powerful place on the planet. That's the life I choose.
Please know that if you feel like I am too busy to be bothered or too busy to fit you in to my schedule, that's false. Just give me a call, drop me a message, make me an offer. We can work it out. We can always make it work. Liz 3.5 is in its beta form, but she's working on having the  Art of Being Busy look and feel a little like the Art of Being Zen.
Art of Being Zen

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