Saturday, December 31, 2011

Letting go of the Message

Though Grandma Sherrock knew at Thanksgiving, she and the immediate family were able to keep their lips zipped until we flipped over into the second trimester. (When she found out, her eyes were lit up with joy over the news. We gave her permission to talk with Pam about it--and to tell any and all nurses she wanted. :-) She told me to take care of myself at least three times.)

Over Christmas break, Dan and I broke the news. I knew we couldn't keep it a secret forever.

At Tom and Mary's, I told Amy Dion Rader that I had bad news. I wasn't going to be able to run my leg in the Dion family marathon relay this year and handed her a coupon for unlimited baby rocking. The cousins and Aunt Mary and Uncle Tom swarmed, squealed and hugged. 

At the Keelings, Dan gave Grandma Keeling a coupon and read what it said. There were more hugs, more smiles, and more squeals. Aunt Rose and Uncle PK hugged me so tightly that I experienced soreness that I had only read about until this point in my pregnancy.

Dan emailed his extended family since we weren't able to join them all in one location. He wrote a 2011 update. When he finished the five paragrapn message, he added a post script that said:

P.S.  We are expecting our first baby in June!! (Liz would say that I buried the lead.)  Talk to you soon!

Both Peggy and Mary called to congratulate us and were surprised that we were able to keep the news from the clan at Thanksgiving. Officially, the news was facebook worthy (and it was time to start/update the blog).

1 comment:

  1. And, the news was out! Here's a message from Great Aunt Jean Ann.

    Dear Liz,

    "We're hearing the NEWS all over town..."
    What GREAT news!! I am so happy for you. I hope you are feeling well.
    I can't think of a better Christmas present. You will look so cute pregnant.
    I will keep you in my prayers for a healthy pregnancy, baby and delivery.
    When is the due date? Has the sex of the baby been determined yet? I vote for all the aunties to be Godmothers!!!

    Morris and Patty must be bursting their buttons with pride and great anticipation. Wow!! Grandma /GREAT Grandma Mary with her great great love, just waiting to hold, hug, and love your new arrival for 2012, a wonderful miracle for all to behold. The luckiest baby in the world for God to have chosen you and Dan as the parents.

    I am bursting with pride and excitement and can't wait for an FYI!!!!

    I remember with fondness the great memories of how proud mother and daddy were of you, their darling great grand daughter. Mother LOVED you and all your beautiful black hair! Having written you up in The New York Times would not have compared to their pride and love for you. You were the apple of their eye, as well as Morris. There was always a special place in their hearts for the first grands and great grands.

    A happy and wondrous new year to you.

    Jean Ann
