Saturday, December 31, 2011

Flurry of appointments

After the injections began, the worry meter cranked up. There was a lot to think about. A lot to ask about. A lot of experts to consult. (I decided my best move would be to try to avoid the crazy momma chat rooms. Those people had strong opinions but no logic or evidence to support their ideas--the English teacher in me just couldn't handle that.)
I did consult a handful of experts. I met with:
hematology (Located in the oncology section of the hospital. WTH?)
It was an interesting whirlwind through the medical world. I learned more about blood since my stint working with the Mayo clinic team. I learned that pregnancy really adds a whole litany of other possible complications (including microclots in the placenta. Interesting. Scary.). And that the data on clotting disorders was "emerging." As a doctorate student, I knew what that meant. (It would be exciting to be in hematology research, but not too comforting to be a hematology patient.) My endocrinologist was thrilled about the pregnancy; she spent 45 minutes talking about continued care and a gamut of other things. (Including her own baby stories.) At the end, she said "you sure are cooking right along." I guess I was.

It was nice to know that I had a team of folks working to keep everything and everyone safe and sound. 

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