Saturday, December 31, 2011

Godmother Practices for Great Godmotherhood

Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 11:03 AM
Subject: Hi! 

Just a quick note to say thanks for stopping in on Monday.  Even though it was brief, I enjoyed seeing your smile and hearing your gentle laugh.  

Hope this email finds you feeling the glow of pregnancy....  I look forward to following the journey with you.

Love you,
Love you more,

Here's me at the cabin practicing my rocking skills for Baby!!  

On Dec 28, 2011, at 11:02 PM, Liz Keeling wrote:

HI Barb,
It really was great to see you, too. Thanks so much for the thoughtful gift. We are delighted to have more original artwork in our home--it's always a glorious treat!

As for our baby news, well, we are excited and nervous. I worry too much--but I think I have a lot to worry about since I have seen four specialists in the past four weeks. But, today's appointment went well. When the doc put the monitor on my belly she said, "your baby's sure showing off today" because the heartbeat was right there: steady 140 beats per minute. We'll have another ultrasound in two weeks as they'll be monitoring my fibroids to see if they are going to cause a problem. So, we'll have new photos, probably. And, a month from now we'll do a 3-D ultrasound to check on the baby's blood flow (we're both at risk for blood clots). Doc talked about delivering at 39 weeks and I told her I was all about it--and that I wasn't planning to be a hero in the delivery room. However she delivers my baby is fine by me; she thought that was funny.
Glad to hear that you are enjoying your break. I spent two days relaxing since I have been home (except for a few loads of laundry and a little bit of cleaning) and tomorrow I go into lock down mode to focus on my dissertation again. I have sort of lost the drive--teaching full time really did it and napping every day for the past month didn't help either. I have to find the inspiration to power through, though.
Keep enjoying your time at home.
Love you lots,

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