Wednesday, May 30, 2012

To be surrounded by the love of friends

The day after graduation brought more celebration. My friends threw me an amazing baby shower. It was so wonderful to be surrounded by love and generosity; I am so appreciative of all the creative planning, careful attention to detail, and gracious hosting. The theme was Adventures in Babyland, and guests shared stories of their adventures in Babyland--either about their kids or other people's kids. There were some great yarns!
Speaking of yarns, here's where I tell about my adventures in knitting. Result: Barbie shawl. For real.
And, there was cake. Chocolate cake. Divine, sweet, delectable cake.
And, that cake was delicious. 
And, there were gifts. Fun, practical, playful gifts.
Just arrived attire: will be a hit at future parties.
Serendipitous: a mobile for the baby's room that matches the owl theme. Very wise, Deb!
Custom-designed onesies to be featured on future facebook posts--artists to be tagged, of course!

Additions to the new little library!
Jen, the gift attendant, had her hands full. Literally.
And, there were friends. Lots of friends. Wonderful, amazing, supportive friends.
Friends in chairs.
Friends in the kitchen.
Friends on the couch.
Even friends on the floor.
To be surrounded by supportive women is a gift. It is one of the best gifts I have ever had the privilege of experiencing in my heart. Sometimes women spend time, energy and effort cutting each other down when we should spend more time lifting each other up. It's an amazing thing to be a woman.
It took me a long time to come to that. 
I thought that you had to have children to be an amazing woman...or to be considered a woman at all. Sometimes I feel like that's in the conversation out in the world--you're not a real woman until you've birthed a person into the world. There were years when I wasn't sure I would have children. I wasn't sure I could. I wasn't sure I would get to make that choice and it took me a long time to be okay with that.
What I came to realize is that you don't have to have children to be an amazing woman. You already are. You are the source of all of life on the planet. You are the energy and power that hold up half the sky. You bring life to all living creatures and care for them in all that you do. You are a woman and that is amazing. You are amazing.
That is why it is truly a gift to be in the presence of and surrounded by the powerful energy and love of women. There really is nothing else like it in the world.

Thanks for being who you are in the world, ladies. You amaze me by who you are. And, for that, I love you.

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