Saturday, May 12, 2012

The bottom of the "to-do" pile

Once the big D-day passed successfully, I was able to get focused on the "to-do" pile. It included all sorts of items from November to May. And it needed attending to.
I came across a few items that are worth posting here.

When I told my ninth grade students I was pregnant (months ago when I sometimes wore maternity clothes for novelty, not necessity), I gave them an opportunity to suggest names for our un-gender-fied infant. Here are a couple of keepers:

Leo Nardo, Caleb Achmed, Bon qui qui (got several votes), Purpledrankisha, and Kool-aid Yum!    YIKES!

Several students suggested we name our child after them. (Obviously, Caleb had second thoughts.) Jeremy Johnson prefers that we choose his name over his second suggestion: Lebron.
There were two girls who had LISTS of name suggestions. (Do they tote these around with them in their school planners?? ) A few had heart-dotted i's--is that necessary? Really? One wondered if I was opposed to a Hmong name before he suggested Pazong, meaning sweet flower. 

I don't know that it helped us get to any final choice, but it did give us a few laughs and a great conversation about 14 year-olds.

And, for the record, I think we've chosen first names. (The reason I say "I think" is because I did think that we had settled on names about a month ago, then Dan rescinded his vote on the girl name. We went back to the drawing board. I'm going to be prepared for any changes by keeping the conversation between Dan and me.) The debate still continues about the middle names, so I am keeping my lips zipped about any of it.

The world will know soon enough.

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