Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Quiz Delay Tactic (or You Look Huge)

I show up looking pregnant during every hour that I teach these days. It's been no surprise that I am with child. This week one of my Honors 9 classes bombarded me with questions. It was the Great Vocab Quiz Delay Tactic.
The first minute of class sounded like:

Can you see your feet?
Do you sleep on your stomach?
What happens if you sleep on your stomach?
Can you bend over?
Doesn’t that squish the baby?
Doesn’t that hurt the baby?
Can you go swimming?
Doesn't that drown the baby?

Why can’t I tell you that you look huge?
Aren’t you due soon?
Are you scared to have a baby?

Oh, dear.
Here's a Scantron form, children. It's the last quiz (for them) of the year. Probably not the last interrogation for me.

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