Wednesday, August 1, 2012


We had our first yearbook editor meeting. At Cherry Berry. Calvin was openly welcomed into the crew!
Though it seems he was the center of attention, this talented team of ladies and gentleman (!) really pulled together and had one of the best brainstorming sessions I have ever had with an editor group. They really stepped it up; I am looking forward to what they create in the next two weeks before our next meeting. I think this is really going to be a stellar year!

Some folks wanted to have their own Calvin time. Hannah isn't used to not having a baby at home, so she was happy to have a little hold time.
Yup. There was a little waiting line.
Here's the Dream Team. The Fab Five. (Well, and Calvin...the Successful Six??)
Photo shoot! Here's Hannah.
Here's Rachel! Maybe she can teach Calvin some mots en francais, aussi.
Aren't they all too cute?! (Thanks for taking your pic with us, Jessi!!) ;-)

They convinced me to jump in, too.
Candid camera! Why is my mouth always open in candid pictures?? (Alright, that was a rhetorical question, really. Don't answer that.)

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