Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sonie and Livia visit

We had a pretty intense week of visitors--including a former student, Sonie, and her friend's baby, Livia. We really loved having lots of folks stop over to see us! We're happy to let Calvin's fans snuggle him up!
Here's Sonie giving Calvie some love.

Here's Dan giving Livia some love. We just couldn't get over how big she was! We have seen several babies that are about 3-4 months and every time we do we whisper to each other, 'look how big that baby is!' We have this sense that these are GIANT babies, since Calvin is still such a wee one. I am sure next month we'll probably have pics of Dan and Calvin playing tootsie, too, and it will feel normal. For now: 1. We're surrounded by giant babies. 2. They are so freakin' adorable, too!

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