Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Calling Cards

We had visitors every day for about ten days. It was so fun to host everyone and to have people pop over to meet the new little man. We weren't super diligent about taking people's pics, so if you don't see your mug in this post, please don't be offended. It's our fault, really. Thanks to everyone who swung over to see us; I know I really enjoyed the adult conversation and the hugs.

Sara's got secret ninja nanny skills--should be helpful at Comicon. (Maybe just the ninja part.)

Joseph also has the magic touch.

Just look at that smile! Future babysitter? I think so!
Jerome gets a turn, too. What a sweet little guy. 
Deb and Emily stop by on their way to the cabin.

Calvin sneaks a mini death stare at Lou while she mugs for the camera.
Then he tells her about all the people he has met in his little lifetime. He likes being a rock star, but he thinks it's a tough image to uphold...especially with all the paparazzi. 

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