Friday, July 6, 2012

Tip the Scale

Good news!

Today we brought Lord Calvin in to the clinic to be put on the scale.

The doc suggested it last week at his first week appt. since he was born at 8#7oz, then dropped to 7#4oz during his first week. During his second week, he was up to 7#12 oz, then down 3oz. Talk about yo-yo effect. Linda, the home healthcare nurse stopped over with her scale and she had him at 8#4oz...and she was a little concerned about his color still. (Something about breastfeeding/breast milk jaundice? I have to look that up.)

We waited until the last day of the week to go in. Today. The nurse did not seem concerned about his color. So, I think I'll watch and give it another week (he is doing all the right things otherwise).


Officially, he tipped the scales at his birth weight today.
Hip! Hip! Hooray!

I doubt that I have ever been this happy to see the numbers on the scale increase. My, how things shift.

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