Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Calvin and I spend a lot of time together. Mostly, we are nursing--and those photos would not be appropriate for your viewing. (Though I still feel like my body is a freak attraction; it's certainly not my ol' body...though I also don't quite remember what my ol' body used to look like. It's a bizarre experience. I never felt like I had been invaded by an alien life form, but I have--for 10+ months now--felt like I wasn't quite myself.) Whatever that means. For whatever that's worth.
Anyhow, I am learning to be gentle with myself and learning to enjoy the time little C and I get to spend together. That's not too difficult when this is what I hang out with all day.
A tiny bit hungry.

Just kidding.

Let's take a nap together instead.

Or we could read a book. (That only takes one hand!)

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