Friday, July 20, 2012

One Month face

Of course, Calvin is changing a lot. That's what babies do. Interestingly, but not totally surprising, during the first year of life is when people change the most. Our little guy is doing just that. On the eve of his one-month birthday, he slept five hours (that's what is considered sleeping through the night by the experts--though Dan and I have yet to figure out how sleeping five hours is really sleeping through the night! On what planet?!) But, it was a milestone in our household to be recorded none-the-less. And, here he is at one month:
Now we can snuggle without being swaddled.
Penguin Arms still strike out, but not always.

Arm control is getting better every day, and the double chin is almost permanent.
(So, obviously, eating is going well!)

When Penguin Arms aren't flapping and hitting his face, they usually move in slow motion.
Tai Chi Baby Arms. That's what we call them then. We'll hone his qigong skills next.

Calvin's one-month face.

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