Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I must know if there is a penis on that child!

Liz is picking up some onesies this weekend from a Craigslist ad.  She told me, "They are boy onesies, but I think that'll be alright." (For those not keeping score, we are not going to learn the sex ahead of time.)

I thought: What makes a onesie a "boy" onesie?  Must be something to do with the penis.  Duh.

I'm not sure why I didn't think about the color or the fact that there ar dinosaurs or some other thing on there.  Then I thought more about it.  These are onesies.  The kid will not be in these for long, and they will have no idea what the hell they are wearing.  They don't know color, they don't know a dinosaur from a manticore.  What do they care?

They don't.  It's for adults.  That way, people can determine the sex of a child at first glance.  "Gotta get them thar pronouns raght!"  In fact, I'm planning on having a little fun with this.  Why not dress the kid up to confuse people?  One day, we have a daughter, the next day, a son.  That sounds like fun to me!  If I have to carry around a diaper bag, I might as well get some free entertainment.

I recalled this article from the Smithsonian I read last year.  If you are looking for some more background on the genderfication of infants and small children, read this!  (Be sure to check out the slideshow.)  It looks like the book mentioned in the article is available now as well.  Could be an interesting read...

Just in case you are afraid I will dress my child up in gender-ambiguous clothing, don't worry!  I can always stick some stupid fake hair on the kid so strangers know it's a girl.  Or is it?
Bebe's hair may already be causing Lizzy heartburn!


  1. False alarm on the boy onesies. The woman who was selling them sold them to someone else...she emailed me saying that she hoped I didn't hate her for doing that.
    I had never met her.
    Too funny.
    Too Minnesota.

    So, Dan can relax about the "boyness" of the clothes I am trying to abscond. But, it seems, I might have to worry about his taste in clothing for our baby bundle. (Fake hair??)

  2. As a recent parent who also chose not to find out the gender ahead of time, I must say that I love having gender neutral clothes! I love to see people to try figure out what the baby "is" I like having variety in his wardrobe! Once people know the gender its like they cannot think outside of pink and blue...

    The other plus of not knowing is that it drives many people crazy. Especially people who need to plan is hard for them to accept that you dont need to know.

    How exciting!
