Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pump up the Volume

You may want to crank up the volume on this one. This is Calvin in action. This is our every day right now, and we love every minute of it!

Apparently, the kids at daycare hover around our kiddo because of his low growl. He's already becoming the center of attention.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


He actually has a grip on this little friend.

Noises off

No noise on this pic, but you can just about hear it, can't you?

Fall Reading list

Hmmm... the titles on my reading list have changed a bit in the past six months.

Photo: I am picking up in the living room...this is where I keep the stack of books I'm reading. How quickly the titles have changed!


My parents stopped over after their fruitful trip to the apple store. (Pun intended.) Mom got an ipad and iphone. Seriously. She did.
So, Dan facetimed with her while she was still in the store. The folks at the genius bar were impressed! And she came to try out her new toys--and get a couple of snuggles, too.
Photo: Let me think about that a minute
Little Man is serious. So is his double chin.
Photo: Calvin gets a little "Grandpa time"
Grandpa got some snuggles, too.



Auntie Heather

The third week that he needed care, Heather came to visit. She was a godsend! The two of them had long conversations (I am sure that they solved most of the problems of the world!), long walks and lots of reading time. It's only appropriate that this is the first week that Calvin started cooing. ;-)
I don't know how we could have done it without Heather. I am still overwhelmed by her generosity and her love. I am so glad to call her my friend. It was wonderful to wisk her away to happy hour on Friday. When Calvin fussed, she just picked him right up and calmed him right down. That was probably my favorite moment of the week.
(That and every day when Heather would tell me that Calvin was 'a dream.' I am so glad that she had a great week with him!) I know she wore him out!
Photo: Today was great!!