Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Beach Boys are hip

Of course the jaundice test came back positive. The home healthcare nurse said he was borderline, but that we could order a light bed if we wanted. (She also said he should start sporting Hawaiian shirts and audition for the Beach Boys. She thought he'd be a hit!) I would do whatever it took to get my little man back in action. It's tough to see your baby so sleepy and listless--and it's a slippery slope. There were a few moments when I had to remember that jaundice is pretty common and very curable--and that it wasn't my fault--and that it would be alright.
The billi-bed arrived and I slept with Calvin (alright, I didn't sleep well--neither did he). I mean, the kid was wearing paper scrubs that crinkled every time he wiggled and he was glowing like some character out of a horror flick. Though, he would make a pretty adorable poltergeist, if you ask me. And, we set alarms so that we would get up every two hours to eat. (Though I will admit I didn't need it because I wasn't sleeping anyway.)
He would make a pretty cute little ghost in the next Ghost Busters film.
Through the night and all during the following day we kept up our two hour pace. It was brutal to force him to wake up, hold and feed him in his little paper sheet, and have to velcro him back to his light bed. But, a mom's gotta do, what a mom's gotta do. If this was going to make it better, then this was what we had to do. And, that's what we did.
Auntie BA came to spend the day with us since Dan was in a wedding. I don't think she minded feeding him the supplemental feedings--even in his paper gown. It was nice to have her company and assistance for the day. (Interestingly enough, the doorbell didn't ring once while she was here!)

BA meets CMK. I think they will get along quite well.
When the home healthcare nurse called back with his results, he was on the mend. I mean, we weren't in the clear by any means, but we didn't have to stick him to the bed immediately after feedings. I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God. 
BA and Grammy Pammy got to hold him as long as they wanted. Needless to say, after the 5:30 p.m. all clear call, he didn't get a chance to enjoy his personal tanning bed any more. There were too many people here to love him that he couldn't spend time under the lights.

Dressed in his scrubs: do we have a future doc on our hands?

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